The collective versus individual SoMP for universal health
care displayed below was created by the
SoMP computer modeling spreadsheet.
This computer model combines two simple perspectives of the SoMP wages
related to the number subsidized (fig
left) and wages compared to the quality/cost of the benefit
(fig right).
While an infinite number of SoMPs may be defined and studied with this computer model, four basic variations of SoMPs are used to create the SoMP plane displayed below according the following guidelines :
The SoMP plane represents all forms of universal health care for the model populations using some variation of the four ways of funding health care noted above. At any one time, there is one point on the SoMP plane that defines where that particular SoMP sits. In a frictionless democracy, the trend of any SoMP is to slide further and further down the SoMP slope towards collectivism. Typically some counter political force (or friction) will arise to counter (or slow) the downward movement of the SoMP on the SoMP plane. Barring a successful campaign to educate the populace of the better features of a individualist SoMP that promotes individual responsibility and self reliance for the able bodied, the outlook in short and long term is for an incremental march towards a collective stagnation.
The graph above represents the SoMP plane for working age people and their children. Below is a graph of the SoMP after senior health care (Medicare) is included in the health care SoMP. While the shape of the SoMP plane appears the same, please note the increased scale and lost wages of the Medicare SoMP. It should also be noted that this figures the total population of unemployed and Medicare recipients is a maximum of 25%. When boomers retire and get medicare, the number of unemployed and Medicare recipients will be significantly greater and the future cost to average wages will be significantly more than that displayed below.