Hype to the Left - Hyopocracy to the Right

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    Policitians from both sides are piling on the tobacco bandwagon from one direction or the other. With Social Security and Medicare going bankrupt, tax dollars to support the next level of political buy off of the electoral via the ever expanding federalist social marketplace is drying up.  Forget meaningful tax cuts for anyone, politicans on both sides need some new revenue to buy the next set of votes of the electorate.  They, the flatlanders, have taxed the rich, got the middle class stuck in the mud going nowhere, and got the average bubba so they don't know which way is up -- which may be good for Bubba, because the solution to success has always been for individualists to ignore the collective and to work hard and harder.  With the lack of civil leadership at the top, perhaps ignoring the examples of 'leadership' and resorting to individual effort is best for all.

    Enter the tobacco deal, the holy grail for tax and spenders of just about any stripe of politician.  Not only have politicians on the left and the right figured out a scam to get the mobs to agree to tax the poor smoking population to pay for benefit for the elderly, for single moms, for the kids, but they have also figured out how to make the tobacco tax retroactice.  Tax tobacco..  

Make the tobacco tax retroactive

    If it weren't for those ugly smelly people who smoke up restaraunts, bars, and high school parking lots, for decades we'd have been able to fund healthcare for the old, healthcare for the young, health care for the poor, homes for this, homes for that, trips to the moon for deese, college education for dems, nivana for the pols all around...   Where will it all end?  Who knows... when the tabaccy tax runs out, tax alcohol, french fries, fast food, SUVs, etc, etc.

 Your Left; Your Right; Your 1..2..3..4..

Always Right