Preventing Blisters

  When it comes to blisters on the trail, one should be aware that you are likely to end up treating the symptom, but not the cause, of the problem. In many cases the cause of blisters is a weak or undersized arch support and/or undersized boot. When you put 50 or 60 pounds on your back, the wieght will cause your arches to drop, making your feet bigger than they otherwise would be. The result of this is you end up with blisters with boots that felt fine on warm up day hikes. One can also end up with black and bruised toes.

   There are several preventive steps you can take.

   The problem with mole skin is that the cause of the blister is generally a tight fitting area that rubs. Adding some bulk to that area will generally only make it rub worse and create a larger area of wear.  Some people duct tape their heel to prevent blisters. The reason this works is they have reduced the friction that causes the blisters.  Most anything that reduces the friction will probably work.

   That is my two cents worth on blisters.  I haven't had one in years, since moving to well designs lighter wieght hiking boots.

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