Alternate TDBs

    A TDB can take various forms depending upon the environment it is to be utilized it. Some of the various alternate TDB formats are discussed so that those who might ponder alternatives (such as state taxes, school levys, etc) can have their interest peaked to further thoughts. Before one thinks that this is going a little over board, it should be mentioned that a local school district did just send out the equivalent to a TDB to gather information on the public's perception of needs for future school funding. It was an independently developed TDB process.

     The TDB defined in this home page is a compromise between these two alternatives. Income matters how much your TDB controls, but even those not paying taxes who file a TDB have some say in the process. Perhaps one might call the form of TDB herein defined as a Citizen Directed Budget.

     The justification for this compromise is that there are many taxes (such as corporate tax, general excise taxes, etc) that are not related to income that are hidden from the average citizen or not part of the income tax return. Yet everyone pays a share of these taxes with every product and service they buy. The TDB defined in this homepage allows for those who pay no income taxes to still be able to leverage the amount of taxes that they pay that are not subject to income taxation and those who pay some taxes to actually leverage more of the budget than they pay in taxes.

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