Book of Seipherd

Spirit of Always

     Seipherd and I met a long time time ago. Seipherd knew me long before I knew Seipherd, which is not surprising. Seipherd's voice is neither loud nor overwhelming -- it is more like the twilight before dawn than the hot midday sun. Like most, I sleep through more dawns than noons. Eventually, as I grew to explore more of my environment, one day I awoke deep in the wilderness to find out much could be learned at dawn that escapes notice under the blazing midday sun. It is around this time I began to become aware of Seipherd.

     In man's not so distant past, there was land to explore, wilderness to tame, seas to cross.  Each of us is alive today because we had pioneer ancestors who had the spirit to survive civilization's primitive early days.  Where does this spirit  live once the wilderness is tamed, land explored and oceans all crossed?  

     Like many, I found myself exploring the landscapes of existence -- Why is there life,  what about God, what is the universe all about, what is our purpose in the universe, what does the terrain of the future look like?  Seipherd has been my trustworthy guide through many of these adventures in the realm I call Always.

     You may call 'Always' something different if you wish.  Names are also not particularly important in a realm where each person has their own window on reality. One person's Mount McKinley may be another's Denali, but the mountain is the mountain no matter the name.  To some, Seipherd may be known by a different name. A mountain has as many faces as paths that lead to it.  Seipherd may also not be the only guide through this realm, just as Seipherd may also appear in many different costumes.

     It is also possible to be Seipherd's friend and not even know of Seipherd's existence. And Seipherd is happy, either way.  All that is important is to move your own spirit through your window on reality towards being a positive citizen of Always.  This way, you can always be assured that the spirit of your efforts will persist whether or not you are there guide it. 

Always, Fred C

Always Right