Grassroots  --  Comments & TDB forms

     It is the goal of the Americans for a Taxpayer Directed Budget to share the TDB concept with as many people as possible in a fair and consistent fashion. Interested individuals are encouraged to leave comments about how they might like to help coordinate this effort to bring our government back to the people of this nation.

     Feel free to send the Interactive TDB form link to a few friends and ask them to share it with their friends.  Print out the TDB forms, make some copies and share them will your fellow workers, your friends and neighbors. Send some around to others in your Cyberspace circle of influence. Encourage them to do the same and for everyone to send in their forms to Congress or the White House. The object is to give everyone (conservative, moderate or liberal) a chance to speak up with their opinion of what direction our nation should be going.

     This is most assuredly, not some get rich or get powerful scheme. It is truly a grass roots effort for the benefit of us here in the grass. It is hoped that we can prevent our little patch of grass from being chewed to bare ground or pulled up by its roots by some behemoth sacred cow of the politicians in Congress and the White House. This way we might be able to pass a little of that patch on to our children and grandchildren.

     Please note, the TDB forms are copyrighted and are to be distributed as freeware type product.  This means you may make as many copies as you wish to give to friends, or publish them in a newspaper or whatever, so long as no profit is made from selling the TDB forms. The general purpose is to provide some uniformity to the initiative while promoting a wide distribution.  If you have ideas about distributing or publishing TDB forms or the TDB in general, please drop me a note.

Always Right