
     If you take a midnight drive a mile down a rural highway in the spring, at the end of the mile, you'll have bug splat all over your windshield.  Yet if you walk down that same mile, you'll only see a few passing bugs and you likely have none smashed on your forehead (except for a pesky mosquito or two).

     The windshield full of bug splat is analogous to the predictable results of the activities of the PRESSident. The PRESSident samples a huge slice of society by driving around in the dark recesses of our society using its headlights to attract society's bugs out of the bushes.  In some cases, the PRESSident will even plant the bugs on the roadway to insure a high splat content.  The media collected bug splat is then splashed all over the windshields of TVs through out the nation.  As a result, the bubbas watching TV think bug splat is a huge problem in their everyday life.  In reality it is only a problem if you are traveling 60 miles per hour at midnight down a rural road trying to flush bugs from the darkness with your headlights

      Yes, there are problems in any society, but generally not to the proportions the public is lead to believe by the quantity of media bug splat.  What can be said of bug splat broadcasting is that it is successful in filling the minds of many unsuspecting bubbas in our nation with bug splat.  It does sell paper towels and window cleaner. Which is the purpose of it all, as far as the Press goes.

     So, in conclusion, if you watch a lot of TV, beware of bug splat filling your brain with lots of distorted observations.  It is suggested that you turn your TV off and take a walk around the block in search of real bug splat.  If you don't find any, 'go figure!'.  

     As a final irrelevant (irreverent?) riddle on bug splat :

What is the last thing that goes through the mind of a bug when it hits your windshield?

Always Right