
(pronounced PRESSSSSSSident)

     The PRESSident is defined as the collective will of the liberal PRESS. They have found that if they act in as a singular swarm towards the goal of being an Outcome Based Media, they can have as much or more power than the President.  The PRESSident has found that it has the power to lead our nation in any direction they so choose. Hence the term PRESSident.  

     The PRESSident is much more powerful when there is a fellow liberal in the office of the President. They (the PRESSident) can take anything the president (single s) says and amplify it to support the fair goals of the PRESSident -- higher ratings and more power for themselves and their positions.  It is a self supporting system so long as public opinion goes along with the PRESSidential charade (or parade if you wish) of OBM and so long as the PRESSident can sell lots of ad time for paper towels.  

     Of course, one must realize that the PRESSident is quite capable of retaining most of its power even if just a minority agree with the PRESSidential view.  The PRESSident also controls the volume knob of Outcome Based Media.

Always Right