some bobos and they will say those
bubbas are not paying their fair share, ask the bubbas and they will counter
bubbas are paying more than their
here any real
way to determine what is truly fair?
Or is this another unattainable Holy
Grail that all sinners will inevitably fail to attain?
To answer these questions properly we need to first ignore the subjective revisionist definition of fair that conveniently redefines itself depending upon the situation. If you dig out the good ole Webster's, you will find out that fair means -- Free from bias, dishonesty or injustice. In other words, to be fair, the tax system should be "free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice." Let us expand upon this perspective.
Since the accumulation of wealth in a free economy is generally done honestly, it is an injustice (Websters -- the quality or fact of being unequal) to take significantly greater portion of one person's income than another in taxes, unless perhaps one intends to provide some reasonable compensation for the value taken (which is not being done).
It is dishonest to suggest or boldly pronounce, as liberal Democrats frequently do, that those with higher incomes are not paying their share of taxes, since the facts clearly show the exact opposite to be true. This takes another chunk out of the mistaken idea that our progressive tax code is fair since it was arrived at by spreading dishonest and biased information that those with higher incomes aren't paying their fair share. Our current progressive tax code fails the 'fair share' test in all regards. Not only it is unjust in its application and it was arrived at through the dissemination of dishonest and biased information.
Sadly, under contemporary political labelism, "fair" (small f) has been co-opted to become a marketable product called "FAIRNESS" (large F). As a product, tidbits of FAIRNESS are distributed by the PRESSident and liberal Politicians much as a one repackages an outdated product in a new box with bold letters "NEW & IMPROVED FAIRNESS!". There is nothing new and improved to FAIRNESS; to the contrary, the product (the tax code) is less fair, not more FAIR.
FAIRNESS, the product (not principle), has been applied to more than just the tax code. It pops up all over the political landscape in utility by Flatlander politicians. There is the process of how that FAIRNESS is implemented. FAIRNESS forces via government mandate, some minority to give something to someone else via the rules of tyranny by mobocracy. There is little or no check and balance to the FAIRNESS doctrine as there is no truth in advertising rules or objective foundation to what FAIRNESS is. FAIRNESS is defined and redefined according to the subjective needs for the moment at hand by those in control of defining the product FAIRNESS. Unfortunately, "FAIR" evolves to means what ever the mob can get away with at any particular place or point in time. What is fair today, will not be the same as tomorrow as tomorrow more even more FAIRNESS will be needed.
If 'FAIR' was a boundary line between you and your neighbors, each year the boundary would change according to what your neighbors believed was a 'FAIR' place to redraw the boundary. Pretty soon, you'll wake up to find you have little if any property (or freedoms) left.
In summary, all that is left to protect our nation from mobocracy taking over everything in the name of FAIRNESS is our (fast fading) civility, our disappearing good education, and a strong individual spirit that is proud to stand up for what is right over what is FAIR.